Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Donate Life

While sitting there on the think pot this morning, I was in the midst of reading all text displayed on my ID card, from birth date to allowances. However, today, the one object which I have seen and overlooked many times drove me into thought, contemplation and anger.

I understand all the controversy over organ donation and aggression which surrounds the topic, however, this post is not to question my moral standpoint on organ donation, but as to already assume everyone is in agreement with donations, or those who are will read this.

As I already have a strong opinion on society in regards to the lack of intelligence, courtesy, respect and mankind hospitality, I have found a new premise in which to have angst.

As I myself, am obviously an organ donor, I gave thought to the benefits of providing what I will obviously not need in the event I discontinue breathing. Because of this very thought, maybe it's my inner philanthropist, but to provide such an item, is not kind, but almost expected from my human standpoint.

In any respect, pummeling down to the my overall moral opinion on this topic, goes out to all of the organ donors out there.

Building up to the last breath we take, we must give all efforts to improve the quality, health and way of life for us and everyone around. The day the child is in cataclysmic desperation to receive a fragment of another, we all will ensure the one they receive is in the best qualitative value in regards to health and cleanliness. Our thoughts need not to focus solely on the importance of who we are as individuals, but as a human social network as a whole. We are all here together, moving forward, sharing a common goal of love, happiness and the feeling of family.

Instead, we surround ourselves with anesthetics, antagonism, and monetary gluttony, life's delicious poisons.

Please all, remember why we chose to one day provide a piece of ourselves for the possibility of new life. Bluntly, stay healthy, eat well, laugh, eradicate negative habits AND STOP smoking.

I hope to love us all one day

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